• Cold Brook Farm, NJ
  • Cold Brook Farm, NJ
  • Cold Brook Farm
  • Cold Brook Farm, NJ
  • Cold Brook Farm, NJ
  • Cold Brook Farm, Hunterdon County, NJ

Cold Brook Farm (CBF) is a unique homestead nestled in one of the most picturesque, well-preserved parts of Hunterdon County, NJ. Here, we strive to live a life that is sustainable, in harmony with nature, and supportive of our local community.

Cold Brook Farm is an organic farm dedicated to regenerative farming practices and sustainable land use. We are passionate about maximizing the biodiversity and health of the land that surrounds our zero-energy home, and we hope to assist others in learning about sustainable, net-zero living.

Latest news

Last vacation before farming season! 🤩 #coldbrookfarm #puravida #osapeninsula #lucky
Certification Application submitted 2 weeks ago!! Fingers crossed.  We’ve managed the Farm organically and regeneratively since 1/16/20.  Now, we hope, we’ll officially be Certified Organic! #coldbrookfarm #goingorganic #certifiedorganic #keepingitclean #healthofsoilequalshealthoffoodequalshealthofpeople
Signs of Spring.  Garlic poking through the snow…. #coldbrookfarm #garlic #overwintering #growyourownfood
A beautiful morning on the farm. It’s nice to see some normal winter weather. #coldbrookfarm #snow #prettylittleflakes #thecalmbeforethegrowingseason 📷by Jason
3 Cats and a glorious sunrise. #nofilter #coldbrookfarm #beautifulsunrise #orangepinkandgray
Cold Brook Farm, all tucked in for winter on this beautiful snowy day. #coldbrookfarm #snowyday #winterwonderland #farming
Glenn left and Redeemer on the right.  The 100% Redeemer loaf is the best whole grain bread I have ever baked.  The crust, crumb and overall balance and depth of flavors were really rather drool worthy.  I am shocked that the flavors are more complex than a multi-flour blend!!
Voila!  Glenn (left) and Redeemer (right). Sooooo looking forward to eating these local, whole grain, regenerative, organic beauties!!!